Sitemap - 2024 - Aporia

Do smarter people walk faster?

Libertarianism hurts free speech? | Bo Winegard and Noah Carl

What if we take affirmative action to its logical conclusion?

The therapy myth

"The White Man has no friends"

Do genes matter more under capitalism?

'On Liberty' and other bad free speech arguments | Bo Winegard and Noah Carl

Can mutation load explain the rise of leftism?

Why Be So Nice?

Dr Delgado's anti-White scholarship

Can someone's political views be predicted from their face?

The racial IQ gap isn't genetic | Wilfred Reilly

Conservatives are wrong about the black family

Immigrant selection and crime in Britain

How about a Genius Basic Income?

Were colonial borders arbitrary?

Beyond IQ: The consequences of ignoring talent

What Ayn Rand got right about the left

More Aporia April meet ups: NYC, Austin, Seattle

Fleeing Opportunity

Do promiscuous women have lower self-esteem?

Is Rape Natural? | Randy Thornhill

Aporia London Meet-Up: April 18th

You're probably a eugenicist

The left must take human evolution seriously

Was it better to be in the Eastern Bloc?

Does dysgenics undermine longtermism?

"Beta bucks" is a myth! | Datepsych

Steve Sailer: Still noticing after all these years

The Positive Legacy of Empire

How modern culture distorts reality

Is cousin marriage bad for offspring health?

The false allure of race blindness

The case for environmentalism

Beauty as a biological construct

Why is Haiti such a mess?

Is geography destiny?

Religion, ethnicity and crime in Britain

Intuitive behavioral genetics

Reversing the Fertility Collapse

What if we lost our smartest 5%?

Ideas for a future worth wanting

Are men and women's political views diverging?

Morality is a weapon | Dr. Robert Kurzban

The God that Failed

Can pro-Muslim bias explain low Muslim crime rates?

Myths about Black History

Does being kind to others make you happy?

Nietzsche and the Shadow of God | Dr. Michael Rosen

Moral hypocrites are bullies

Outbreeding depression: Avenues for further research

British Muslims don't commit a lot of crime

Did communism cause the rise of fascism?

"The plot line of The Terminator is best case scenario" | Bo Winegard and Noah Carl

You Can’t Escape Biology

Don't shut up about race and IQ

What Happened to the Israeli Left?

Does government spending boost patriotism?

Are we free? Moral agency, punishment, and determinism | Bo Winegard and Noah Carl

Testing for genetic confounding can be hard

Leftism and Mutation Load

In defense of free will and punishment

Does deplatforming work?

The future of genetic tech | Dr. Steve Hsu

Aporia New York meet up

Feminism run amok

Good Schools or Good Genes?

Is the US criminal justice system biased?

Race and IQ: Should we discuss it publicly?

Aporia gets a hit piece in the Guardian

Created unequal

Mind Viruses

Have liberals won the culture war?

The race and IQ taboo: myth or reality? | Bo Winegard and Noah Carl

Who are the most right-wing Americans?

The evolved functions of morality: From the Haidts to the depths.

Does it matter where immigrants come from?

Are teachers biased against boys?

Consciousness, meat and eugenics | Dr. Walter Veit

Bias is Often Unpredictable

Diversity is good, actually

The Genetic Time Machine: Neanderthals, genomics and hybridization priors

Is self-censorship rising in the US?

Most students are just pretending to be intellectuals | Michael Huemer

Hereditarian Hypotheses Aren't More Harmful

The Goldilocks zone between inbreeding and outbreeding

Does IQ alone explain Jewish success?

The dark side of environmental activism

How America brain drained Britain | Peter Hitchens

Things We Did Not Learn

Yes, we should talk about race differences.

Was I wrong about low-skilled immigration?

Are multicultural societies doomed? | Charles Murray & Helmuth Nyborg